We need Your help
Feeling that people need you - isn't it a happiness of artist and human? (L. Utesov)

Instrumental ensemble under D. Tukhmanov — "Songs by David Tukhmanov [It should not be so]"

EP 1979

01. It shouldn't be so ( D. Tukhmanov  / L. Derbenev  ) — Boyarsky & Zarubina
02. We dance with you ( D. Tukhmanov  / V. Kharitonov  ) — I. Ivanov
03. October ( D. Tukhmanov  / A. Kymytval  ) — S. Rotaru

Soviet Union (USSR)
EP, Stereo
Sides numbers: 12347 12348
First published in 1979 году
This pressing is published in 1980
Ленинградский завод
GOST 5289-73
Run 30000
Order 44
Approved on 1980
Matrix numbers 4-1/4-1

Record Songs by David Tukhmanov [It should not be so]
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