We need Your help
Feeling that people need you - isn't it a happiness of artist and human? (L. Utesov)

Vesyolye Rebyata — "Love is an infinite country"

LP 1975

01. Love is the vast world ( B. Rychkov  / L. Derbenev  )
02. I won't step up to you ( D. Tukhmanov  / L. Derbenev  I. Shaferan  )
03. Why ( Y. Antonov  / T. Sashko  )
04. Eternal springtime ( D. Tukhmanov  / I. Shaferan  )
05. So what ( P. Slobodkin  / L. Derbenev  )
06. It's Moscow ( L. Derbenev  D. Tukhmanov  / I. Shaferan  )
07. Our song ( V. Gamalyia  / M. Tanich  )
08. The Swing ( S. Diatchkov  / L. Derbenev  )
09. What for I need it ( P. Slobodkin  / L. Derbenev  )
10. Fast Train ( D. Tukhmanov  / V. Kharitonov  )
11. Always Far Off ( A. Efim  / L. Derbenev  )

Soviet Union (USSR)
LP, Stereo
Sides numbers: 05459 05460
First published in 1975 году
This pressing is published in 1975-1977
Апрелевский завод
GOST 5289-73

Record Love is an infinite country
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