We need Your help
Feeling that people need you - isn't it a happiness of artist and human? (L. Utesov)

Pesniary — "Songs from movie "Yas and Yanina""

Flexi 1975

01. Once we lived ( E. Khanok  / M. Plyatskovsky  )
02. You're my consolation ( E. Khanok  / V. Bokov  )
03. Kupala night ( V. Mulyavin  / L. Tyshko  )

Soviet Union (USSR)
Flexi, Mono
Sides numbers: 04611 04612
First published in 1975 году
This pressing is published in 1975
TU 43-03-48-73

Record Songs from movie "Yas and Yanina"
belongs to discography of