We need Your help
Feeling that people need you - isn't it a happiness of artist and human? (L. Utesov)

A. Vedischeva — "Aida Vedischeva sings"

10" 1969

01. Love ( O. Feltsman  / N. Olev  )
02. Ice-slick ( A. Zatsepin  / L. Derbenev  )
03. Old garden ( W. Mlynarski  R. Orlow  / L. Derbenev  )
04. Funny guy ( V. Shainsky  / V. Alenin  )
05. Louder ( P. Donaggio  / D. Chashnikov  )
06. Arithmetic ( V. Khvoinitsky  / N. Olev  )
07. Can't get back love ( P. Fisher  / D. Chashnikov  )
08. I'll be waiting for you ( A. Zatsepin  / O. Hacıqasımov  )
09. Spring is the music ( R. Mayorov  / A. Olgin  )
10. Going for happiness ( U. Bindi  / D. Chashnikov  )

Soviet Union (USSR)
10" , Mono
Sides numbers: 26625 26626
First published in 1969 году
This pressing is published in 1969
GOST 5289-68

Record Aida Vedischeva sings
belongs to discography of